2001-04-01: Newquay’s Fistral Beach
After visiting Lanhydrock, we drove onwards to Newquay and checked into our hotel overlooking Fistral Beach (webcam), one of Britain’s best known surfing beaches and the location of several national and international contests.
I was quite taken by the view from my hotel window, so I took a couple of photos right after we arrived. Later that night, I went for a solitary walk along the actual beach to witness the sunset. The sky was completely clouded, there was light rain and it wasn’t too warm, but a couple of crazy kids were still out surfing.
(larger version, 80k)# Saturday May 31, 2003 · André Radke
2001-03-31: Rugby – Plymouth Albion R.F.C. beat Launceston 2001-04-02: Walking around Tresco, Isles of Scilly